Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Twice Dead Man Part Five

Part 5: Journey Into the Laboratory of Hades

An hour later, the undead man stood outside the secret lab that brought him back to life alongside the Green Lama. The building seemed to be nothing more than an old warehouse, abandoned years before, yet beneath the rust and dust lied a state of the art laboratory that would have made even Dr. Frankenstein salivate.

“Dhargey, I wanted to thank you for your help, I may never get to remember my old life completely, but...” he paused, unsure how a monster like him could possibly express the right emotion.

The Green Lama quickly moved his hand to comfort, “There is no need to thank me my friend, my life's duty is to help lost souls like you. We shall ensure that no such evil shall be caused by those who harmed you.” He lifted the hood on his robe, transforming once more, “And please my friend, while we are inside only refer to me as the Green Lama.”

The undead man smiled and nodded, “Of course, and thank you.”

Green Lama lifted two fingers up and spoke a spell softly, jolts of electricity pulsed from the fingertips all around him. Two sparks landed onto the ground to the left of him and turned into an imprint of his fingers. He then pulled out a piece of white chalk and drew a large rectangle upon the ground and knocked on the ground three times. After taking a few steps back the shape slowly dropped downward and where once stood solid ground now laid a stairwell down to the lab.

The undead man cocked his head to the side and in anticipation Green Lama said, “It is the Chalk of Hades, able to take the user to any destination beneath the Earth as long as they know the right place to draw with it. Down those stairs we shall find where you were brought back and hopefully more about who you were.”

The duo made their way down the stairs, Green Lama leading the way with purpose as the purple hued undead man followed with some hesitation, not fully trusting stairs that appeared from nothing. As he worked down the stairs the area around him went from dark soil to concrete to finally the insides of a laboratory. Upon setting both feet upon the lab floor both the stairs and the opening disappeared as if they never existed.

“Yours is a very interesting life Dhar....Green Lama.”

Green Lama smiled beneath the shadows of his hood and motioned towards the giant computer in front of him, the screen was as tall as a person and three times as wide with a hard drive as large as a car “hopefully we can find some answers on this super computer about who you were before hand, and we can find out who is behind this all as well.”

Just as Green Lama had started fumbling with the huge computer a sinister voice boomed all around them, “Not so fast you meddling marvel, even if you knew what you were looking for it would take you days to find the files you seek in my super computer! It is good to see that our city's very own hero was kind enough to return my test subject and Subject 17, I am so glad to see you are still in one piece.”

“What have you done to me!?!?! Show yourself now!”

Behind the duo a large metal door slid open and a man in a long white lab coat covering blue pants and a shirt with black rubber gloves, over sized protective goggles, and a large metal cylindrical helmet stepped forward. In his gloved hand he held an over sized metal remote with two large red buttons on it.

“I brought you back to life you dolt, you may have been our first real success, but you were not the last! I figured eventually you would either break free of my control or be destroyed, there was so little I knew about controlling the reanimated dead when we made you, but you have served your purpose and now you bring a meddlesome hero in our midsts, so he will be killed with you.”

The mad scientist laughed and lifted up a remote in his hand, clicking the giant button on the front. Eight giant panels in the walls appeared and opened, each revealing four glowing undead monstrous foes. The poor controlled souls surrounded Green Lama and the Purple Zombie as the mad scientist continued to laugh maniacally.

“Each of these monsters are not only more powerful then you, but thanks to the helmet I wear, they are all under my control and will stop at nothing to kill you again! Don't worry though, I will bring you back to life and under my thrall again!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”

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