Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thank you one and all

So it is very minor, but I actually have an audience. This is a very strange idea for me. I got a bit accustomed to some people stumbling upon my Associated Content articles and such but those are usually hastily written and on various subjects that someone on the internet will find them ammusing.

I mean that I post things on twitter and people actually check them out. Thanks to the lovely little tool of bit.ty I can tell how many people check out what I connect to. This averages around 12 people checking it out. I just think that is very neat. It's not huge numbers but I want to thank whoever those 12 people are for giving whatever I link (sometimes my writing usually something someone else created I want to share) a try. So thanks everyone!

In other news, I have an outline for NaNoWriMo. I need to get to working on it. I'm trying not to write after 8PM though. Which is a bit of a hindrance since I keep waking up so fucking late in the day. Sigh.

But I persevere anyways.

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