Saturday, October 17, 2009


This is actually what I posted on Whitechapel's Open Mic, but I wanted to keep it around for some reason. Don't ask me why... and stop looking at me like that! Don't judge me!!!

The future: Next week (weather permitting) we will be filming a bunch of people dressed as zombies for our new web show. And I now realize that I will be acting in a web series that I co-wrote. This is a bit scary, since I don't like my voice or how I look on a camera. I'm wondering why I'm doing this, then remember it's the one thing that has kept me very excited these last few months.

Also next week I go back to my school, or I guess old school since I graduated, and talk about graduate programs. Hopefully this will be more positive then I'm fearing, applying to places (namely jobs) hasn't been that good as of late so I have some fear applying for school.

What is pissing me off: Being a plague monkey for over a week. I keep getting close to being clear of this flu/cold and then boom something else just sits around and keeps me sick and not at 100% I want to fucking exercise so badly it's killing me, but no... I must be a plague monkey!

Filthy: The things I've hacked up being a plague monkey are disgusting and filthy. I thankfully have been in a fever induced haze to not really recall them well.

Where, who and will be: I'm outside St. Louis in my room. I want to be happy and succesful. I'd like to make enough cash to live by going to school and doing web shows. I want to make new things and make someone besides myself and my friends laugh. And I'd love to have a real camera, something I could take with me as I play tourist and really capture some of the amazing and beautiful things I see in those journeys.

Picture: I still need an actual digital camera and it is my planned first purchase if someone ever decides to pay me for work ever again. But here is one taken on my crappy phone camera. Here I am with the beard I've grown due to being lazy while dying of the plague.
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